Rain (web comic) Wikia



Author Notes[]

Ana's dad makes his first appearance in the story (I don't know how many appearances you should really expect though). Possibly interesting fact: despite the script for this page existing for months, I had never considered what the guy looked like before I opened up a new document to draw this page. And then I was like, "Uh... oh, I should have thought about this." I ended up redrawing the first two panels several times, with different builds, different facial hair, sometimes glasses or no, and each time ended up looking like every other dad/adult male in the story. I'm not 100% satisfied with his look in the end, but I stuck with it. Repeating what I said before, I don't think he's going to be prominent presence in the story. So if a simple-looking dude winds up on a couple pages, so be it. 

(Oh, and speaking of character designs: what do you think of Ana with her hair down? I'm a little torn myself.)

Anyway, at least this guy seems like a swell dad (this story could use more of those). 

Er... wait... What are they talking about again...?


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